Sales and Marketing

Position your property project on the market to buyers, property agents and more

As experienced development managers and licensed property agents, Atrio can understand and prepare and deliver your project for sale in a way that others can’t. 

Our experience, expertise and knowledge of the local market gives us the ability to prepare your property with evidence-based information and develop a sales strategy to best meet your market.

What we do

We work with our clients by understanding their unique property characteristics, development and sales potential. We are well connected in the property industry, with our investor and developer clients, broader industry network as well as our subsidiary companies actively pursuing quality projects to meet their pipelines.

By extending these relationships, we put our clients in the best position to sell their properties, find joint venture partners and opportunities, reach their capital funding goals, and achieve their exit strategies.

Atrio excels in providing clients with a range of sales and marketing services:

We can be with you from the get-go of your project to the completion of sale, connecting you well along the way. We understand the needs of your project better than most and we’re well positioned to set you up for success.

Ryan Leddicoat
General Manager – Sales

Sales & Marketing FAQs

We’ve answered some commonly asked questions about sales & marketing in property projects.

In the property space, an information memorandum is a document that provides basic information on a property. It’s designed to assist prospective buyers in making an informed decision about whether or not to proceed with a purchase. An information memorandum will typically include details on the property itself, as well as information on the development potential, local area, photographs, and more. Atrio can prepare an information memorandum for your property, to help you market it effectively to potential buyers.

An exit strategy is a plan for how you’ll sell your property, or otherwise end your involvement with it. This might involve selling the property on the open market, or negotiating a sale to a strategic buyer. Atrio can assist with exit strategies for both development projects and existing properties. We’ll work with you to identify effective ways to sell your property, or end your involvement in a project.